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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

reality check

I saw a challenge to do a reality check and I think it's a great idea..... my world gets so busy that I forget what's really important.

1. work is work. I get great reward from assisting new life into this world and I think I do a damn fine job at it, but it is work. It is what pays the bills and I shouldn't get too high and mighty on myself.

2. being the mother of a 13 yr old boy calls for constant vigillance. he will test me at every corner and I should expect that. this is normal and it's what he (and I) need to go through.

3. I have the best kids in the world. they are the light in my life.

4. I couldn't have picked a better mate. He is smart, thoughtful and deeply caring.

5. yes, my family are pigs!

6. I love to be surrounded by action. that's why we have 3 dogs.

7. I have way too much scrapping stuff and I need to stop buying the latest and greatest and get using what I have already.

8. I have an addictive personality. I get a rush from shopping for scrapping stuff

9. I don't need to keep up with the Jones. I truly could care less about this.

10. I have a really awesome life and I shouldn't forget it.


  1. Love your reality check !!!I am with you pretty much till you start talkin about too much scrapping stuff.....Thats just crazy talk woman. LMBO I usually buy on sale, keeps me fairly guilt free....

  2. That is a great reality check. Lots of good things to remember. The addictive personality and keeping up with the Jones' really speaks to me!!
