I just can't believe Christmas is a few short days away. where did that time go? I really feel it snuck up on me this year. I know the calendar says the 23 of December but I feel a little robbed of the excitement leading up to this time. I just turned around and it was here.
I went to a visitation last night after work. It was for a lady who is a best friend of a colleague at work. I didn't know this lady directly but I did know her through the stories that my colleague has told of her brave and valiant battle with breast cancer. This remarkable woman has 2 teenage sons. I was struck last night by the fact that how do you fit in all the advice and love you would impart to your loved ones in a few short months if you knew that's all you had left. I am in awe of this woman. She left a wonderful legacy for her husband and children. I was most moved last night watching her son greet people. It was just so wrong. A teenaged boy should not have to greet his friends at a funeral home to say goodbye to his Mom 3 days before Christmas. That moment in time took me back to December 29 1997 when I was standing in a funeral home greeting my friends to say goodbye to my brother. The feelings were raw and they were still right there at the surface even after all these years. I know what it feels like to be that boy. my heart ached for him. I hope his Mom can look down from heaven and see what a wonderful job she has done with her family.
Take a little moment over these holidays to be truly thankful for the loved ones around you. That is what the true meaning of this season is.